Wow Patch 4.1 Issues

Apr 26, 2011 - It seems the issue is with addons that parse the combat log. WoW Patch 4.1 is live, and WoW Insider has all the latest news for you -- from.

Blizzard has patched World of Warcraft 3.1.1, a bug fix patch issues introduced World of Warcraft Client Patch 4.1.0 the world s divided troll populations face a.

Patch 4.1: Rise of the Zandalari [Updated 5/2]

There are a few changes you might notice as we move into the new 4.1 patch.

The former Video, Sound, and Voice Chat menus have been consolidated into a single streamlined menu called Options. Graphics, Advanced Graphics, Sound and Voice will be sections accessible on the left side of the Options window along with one new panel: Network.

The new Network panel currently only has two options.

Optimize Network for Speed: This will be on by default and should reduce latency for most players with high speed connections by increasing the amount of information sent between the game client and the server. It will only impact latency in instanced Dungeons, Raids, Battlegrounds or Arena battles. If you are using a low speed connection and begin seeing issues loading into those areas after the patch, please try disabling this option.

Enable IPv6 when available: This option will be disabled at launch as networking upgrades are still required before it can be used. For more information on IPv6, please check here:

Known Driver/Compatibility Bugs

We are aware of a few issues that are coming out with this patch. These are still being worked on but most have a workaround.

Washed out Game Announcements: You may see announcements and some achievement notifications become very washed out and unreadable if you mouse over them.

Triple monitor crashes: World of Warcraft will crash when using AMD Eyefinity and Radeon HD 5000 series cards if set to 5760x1080. There is no current work around besides reducing the game resolution.

Water flickering and lighting: When water is set to high detail, you may notice flickering along the edges of water that gets worse as you pull back. Also, players using Radeon 9600 XT AGP or Radeon X550 PCI-E may notice odd lighting when looking at water.

Shadow flickering with Crossfire: When using AMD HD Radeon video cards in crossfire with shadow quality set to high you may notice flickering issues with the game shadows. The current workaround is to disable crossfire


Want to speak with someone directly.

How s my flying.

Edited by JonD on 5/20/2011 PM PDT.

Feb 8, 2015 - Patch 4.1.0 Rise of the Zandalari was the first major content patch for the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion. Among other changes, it. . Druids should no longer have UI issues after leaving a vehicle. The troll druid.

By Sicrosis on 2011/04/26 at PM Patch 4.1.0. For some reason after the patch i get stuck at Tried a wow repair and cleared the cache. Nothing so far /.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch 4.1 is now live. For your reference, we ve compiled all the new content and features, official art, trailer, and patch notes in this handy blog entry.

The rise of the Zandalari is upon us, so make sure you ve read up on the new level-85 Stranglethorn quest line, as well as the updated dungeons of Zul Gurub and Zul Aman -- now suitable for five level-85 players with an average item level of 346 or higher. All-new epic gear, rare mounts, pets, and other interesting treasures await you, should you be able to rise to the challenge of the Zandalari.

If you ve found yourself waiting in dungeon queues longer than you d like, we have a new system, Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms, you should know about. The Dungeon Finder will be offering an additional incentive to players of underrepresented class roles. With this feature we hope to get you into the action faster.

We ve also built a new Guild Finder feature into the game interface and plan to expand upon its functionality in upcoming patches. Whether you re a player looking for a guild, or a guild leader looking to recruit, this system facilitates those activities. We re continuing to update, improve, and adjust the Guild Advancement system and want to make sure you re given the tools to find and maintain a fun guild.

If you re already tackling content with your guildmates, you ll probably be interested in Guild Challenges. By completing dungeons, raids, and Rated Battlegrounds in guild groups, you ll attain new achievements, accrue gold for the Guild Vault, and earn guild experience above the current daily cap. We plan to introduce more Guild Challenges in future updates.

Now, without further ado, here are the official 4.1 art, trailer, and patch notes.

World of Warcraft Client Patch 4.1

Notes for all World of Warcraft patches can be found here.

Updates to the patch notes in red applied 5.2, p.m. PDT.

The days when great troll empires stretched across ancient Kalimdor are long past. Millennia of war and internal strife have stripped these nations of their power, lands, and glory. As Azeroth recovers from the destruction of the Cataclysm, the world s divided troll populations face a bleak future. These dark times have spurred the trolls of the Zandalar, the historically wise and scholarly tribe from which all trolls originated, to take drastic action. They have embarked on a bold crusade to save their race by uniting trolls into a single mighty empire. With the Zandalari s aid, the fallen capitals of the Gurubashi and Amani nations Zul Gurub and Zul Aman are already rebuilding, replenishing their forces for a bloody campaign to expand their territories.

Yet Vol jin and his Darkspear trolls are not aligned with the Zandalari. They have sworn to stand with their Horde comrades and even work with the Alliance should the trolls ignite a new war on Azeroth. Soon, Vol jin might be forced to act on his promise, for if the Gurubashi and Amani are left to their own devices, the world will know the legendary strength and savagery of the ancient troll empires once again.

Built into the Info panel of the guild user interface, Guild Challenges are weekly tasks guild groups can tackle for additional guild experience, achievements, and gold. At the top of the guild user interface Info pane, a new Guild Challenges section is displayed and broken into three categories: Dungeons, Raids, and Rated Battlegrounds. Any guild group will qualify for Guild Challenges credit and there is a set number of times each challenge can be completed per week.

Guild Finder is a new system designed to enable easier and faster guild recruitment. Guild leaders and players who are looking for a guild to call home will use the Guild Finder to meet one another and begin communications that can lead to a prosperous membership. Whether you re a guild leader looking to fill your ranks or a player looking for a guild that meets your strictest requirements, the Guild Finder provides an easy way to make new friends.

A new system intended to lower queue times, Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms offers additional rewards for queuing as the currently least represented role. To be eligible for the additional rewards you must solo queue for a random level-85 Heroic in the role that is currently being Called to Arms, and complete the dungeon by killing the final boss. Every time you hit these requirements there is no daily limit you ll receive a goodie bag that will contain some gold, a chance at a rare gem, a chance at a flask/potion, a good chance of receiving a non-combat pet including cross faction pets, and a very rare chance at receiving a mount.

Click a link to jump directly to the corresponding section of the patch notes.

Conquest Points are now purchasable from the Valor Quartermasters at 250 Conquest Points per 250 Valor Points.

Honor Points are now purchasable from the Justice Trade Goods vendors at 250 Honor Points per 375 Justice Points.

Justice Points are now purchasable from the Honor Trade Goods vendors at 250 Justice Points per 375 Honor Points.

Resilience scaling has been modified for linear returns, as opposed to increasing returns. Under the new formula, going from 30 resilience to 40 resilience gives players the same increase to survivability as going from 0 to 10. Resilience now scales in the same way armor and magic resistances do. A player with 32.5 damage reduction from resilience in 4.0.6 should see their damage reduction unchanged in 4.1. Those with less than 32.5 will gain slightly. Those with more will lose some damage reduction, increasingly so as their resilience climbs.

A dead player can now be resurrected by targeting them using the Party or Raid Frame even if they have released. No more hunting for corpses.

Portals to each of the capital cities have returned to Dalaran and Shattrath City.

A new feat of strength with an associated title, the Camel-Hoarder, has been added for players that have bested Dormus and obtained the Reins of the Grey Riding Camel -- because there must always be a Camel-Hoarder.

The following Battleground achievements have been permanently removed from the game, as they do not function correctly with the achievement tracking system: Guild Gankin in Gilneas, Guild Gulch, The Peak of Perfection, The Perfect Guild Storm, Storming the Beach.

The achievements to win 100 Rated Battlegrounds have been renamed to Veteran of the Alliance and Veteran of the Horde, and now award those titles.

Achievements to win 300 Rated Battlegrounds have been added, awarding the Warbound and Warbringer titles to the Alliance and Horde respectively.

The achievement We Had It All Along cough now requires the player to win Arathi Basin by 50 points or less, up from 10 points or less.

The achievement Jugger Not now requires the player to win The Battle for Gilneas by 100 points or less, up from 10 points or less.

The achievement Out of the Fog requires the player to defend 2 bases in a single battle, down from 3.

The achievement One Two Three You Don t Know About Me requires the player to assault 2 bases in a single battle, down from 3.

The achievement Not Your Average PUG er now requires 10 total flag defenses, down from 50.

The achievement Battle for Gilneas All-Star now requires a single flag assault and flag defense in a battle, down from 2.

The guild Rated Battleground title achievements should now properly be awarded.

Valor and Conquest Points are displaying the correct values when tracked for achievements.

All non-damaging interrupts off the global cooldown will now always hit the target. This includes Pummel, Kick, Mind Freeze, Rebuke, Skull Bash, Counterspell, Wind Shear, Solar Beam, Silencing Shot, and related player pet abilities.

Several persistent ground effects now display different visuals for hostile and friendly players. The following spells have the same visual effects for friendly players, but new alternate visuals for hostile players: Ring of Frost, Consecration, Desecration, Wild Mushroom, Flare, Ice Trap, Power Word: Barrier, Smoke Bomb, and Hand of Gul dan. As a general rule, the alternate effects have a red tint or hue indicating they are created by an enemy player.

Dark Simulacrum now works on numerous additional spells in dungeon encounters.

Raise Ally has been redesigned to be a battle resurrection, analogous to Rebirth. It is instant cast, but costs 50 Runic Power to use, and has a 10-minute cooldown. It shares the same global battle resurrection cap with Rebirth and Soulstone.

Blood Shield now only works while in Blood Presence.

Death Strike self-healing no longer generates threat.

Blood of the North passive now permanently converts both Blood Runes into Death Runes. There is no longer any proc interaction with Blood Strike required to activate Death Runes.

Frost Strike now deals 130 of weapon damage, up from 110.

Howling Blast damage has been increased by 20. To compensate, the area-of-effect splash now does 50 of the single-target damage, down from 60. The net result of this change leaves the area-of-effect damage roughly the same as 4.0.6 numbers. In addition, Howling Blast now has a facing requirement.

Desecration no longer triggers when an applicable strike hits a snare-immune target. This is primarily to avoid unnecessary spell effect clutter during boss encounters.

Rage of Rivendare again applies 15/30/45 additional damage to Plague, Scourge, and Festering Strike, up from 12/24/36.

Glyph of Raise Ally is now Glyph of Death Gate, and makes Death Gate cast 60 faster.

Glyph of Dark Succor now appears correctly in the Major Glyphs section of the Glyph UI.

Runeforging no longer displays a skill-up UI element.

Rune Strike and Festering Strike now correctly have their damage increased by Might of the Frozen Wastes.

Tooltip values for several abilities have been corrected.

Lacerate bonus threat has been removed and replaced with increased initial damage done.

Efflorescence has a new spell effect.

Enrage no longer increases physical damage taken.

Lifebloom s bloom effect has been reduced by 20.

Savage Defense has been redesigned slightly. Instead of a single charge absorption, it now places an absorption effect on the druid absorbing up to 35 of the druid s attack power modified by mastery, if applicable in damage and lasting 10 seconds. There are no longer any charges on the effect.

Stampeding Roar s duration has been increased to 8 seconds, up from 6. The movement speed effect has been increased to 60, up from 40 and is no longer cancelled by cancelling shapeshift form.

Swipe Bear cooldown has been reduced to 3 seconds, down from 6, and is now on trainable at level 18 training cost has been reduced. In addition, the bonus threat from this ability has been removed and replaced with increased damage done.

Swipe Cat damage has been doubled.

Thrash bonus threat has been removed and replaced with increased damage done.

Druids now innately have 100 pushback protection from damage while channeling Tranquility.

Starsurge damage has been reduced by 20.

Solar Beam is no longer on the global cooldown to make it more consistent with other abilities.

Berserk is no longer on the global cooldown.

Feral Swiftness now also causes Dash and Stampeding Roar to have a 50/100 chance to instantly remove all movement impairing effects from the affected targets when used.

Efflorescence has been redesigned. It creates a healing zone at the feet of a Swiftmend target, but this healing zone now restores health equal to 4/8/12 of the amount healed by Swiftmend to the three most injured targets within 8 yards, every 1 second for 7 seconds. This periodic effect now also benefits from spell haste, but the individual ticks cannot be critical effects. In addition, Living Seed is no longer a prerequisite talent for Efflorescence.

Malfurion s Gift now reduces the cooldown of Tranquility by 2.5/5 minutes.

Nature s Swiftness now also increases the healing done by the affected nature spell by 50.

Glyph of Rake is now Glyph of Pounce, which increases the range of Pounce by 3 yards.

Druids should no longer have UI issues after leaving a vehicle.

The troll druid models for Flight Form and Swift Flight Form have been slimmed down to be more in scale with other druid flight forms, and have had their animations improved.

The direction of the Eclipse bar now resets after the druid dies and resurrects.

Solar Beam is now more responsive when enemies move into or out of it.

Casting Stampeding Roar will no longer break Prowl.

Deterrence no longer requires a melee weapon to be equipped.

Explosive Trap now has a new spell effect.

Master s Call now has a new spell effect.

Multi-Shot damage has been increased by 250.

Tame Beast now tames pets to match the hunter s level, rather than 3 levels below.

The Happiness/Pet Loyalty System has been removed. Hunters will no longer have to manage Happiness for their pets, and the previous damage bonus for pets being happy will now be baseline for all tamed pets.

Bloodthirsty no longer generates Happiness.

Carrion Feeder no longer restores Happiness.

The Feed Pet ability now instantly heals 50 of the pet s health. Cannot be used in combat. Requires diet-appropriate food.

Guard Dog no longer causes Growl to generate additional Happiness.

Glyph of Mend Pet is now Glyph of Lesser Proportion, which decreases the size of the pet slightly.

Hunters will no longer automatically acquire a new target if the current target dies in the middle of a cast.

Aimed Shot and Steady Shot should no longer start casting Auto Shot on a new target when the Stop Auto Attack option enabled.

Auto Shot now automatically turns off until reactivated once Freezing Trap is cast on an enemy player.

Deterrence: The area damage of the paladin ability Hammer of the Righteous will no longer hit hunters with Deterrence active.

Distracting Shot and Multi-Shot are now properly 40-yard range.

Intervene Tenacity pet ability range has been increased so that the pet will properly intercept attacks.

Multi-Shot now properly has a 1-second global cooldown.

The pet action bar should no longer sometimes become locked on its own.

Scatter Shot s disorient effect should no longer sometimes be broken by the hunter s Auto Shot.

Summoned pets now start with 100 focus, up from 0.

The exotic pet ability Burrow Attack does not have an animation for certain types of worm pets.

Pets do not initially spawn in with the correct amount of health.

Arcane Blast cast time has been reduced to 2.0 seconds, down from 2.35 seconds. In addition, the stacking effect of Arcane Blast now increases the damage done by Arcane Explosion, and Arcane Explosion does not consume that effect.

Arcane Explosion damage has been increased by 30.

Arcane Missiles damage has been increased by 13.

Blizzard damage has been increased by 70.

Frost Armor has been reworked:

It now reduces physical damage taken by 15, instead of providing 20 additional armor.

The Chilled proc from Frost Armor can no longer proc Fingers of Frost.

The attack speed slow from the Chilled proc is now 20, down from 25, but it also affects ranged attack speed.

Frost Armor no longer increases Frost resistance.

Frostbolt damage has been increased by 10.

Arcane Barrage damage has been increased by 13.

Improved Arcane Explosion now also reduces the mana cost of Arcane Explosion by 25/50.

Combustion no longer has a global cooldown.

Ignite is no longer triggered from periodic critical effects.

Fingers of Frost bonus damage applied to Ice Lance has been increased to 25, up from 15.

Ice Barrier baseabsorption value has been increased by approximately 120. In addition, the benefit from spell power has been increased by approximately 8.

The root effect from Shattered Barrier now shares diminishing returns with the root from Improved Cone of Cold.

Glyph of Frost Armor new glyph : Frost Armor also causes the mage to regenerate 2 of maximum mana every 5 seconds.

Brain Freeze can now proc from Frostfire Orb Rank 2.

Flame Orb is now replaced with Frostfire Orb in the Spellbook and action bar when a mage selects the Frostfire Orb talent. This is purely a UI change.

Pathing for Flame Orb and Frostfire Orb has been improved in certain situations.

Molten Armor damage can no longer break Polymorph.

Spell damage granted by Incanter s Absorption has been increased to match its tooltip.

Flamestrike s initial damage does not trigger Ignite.

Ritual of Refreshment is placed on cooldown even if the ritual is not completed.

Divine Protection can no longer be dispelled.

Judgements are now useable while silenced.

Righteous Fury now persists through death.

Word of Glory now has a 20-second cooldown.

Aura Mastery: This ability no longer increases the benefit granted by Crusader Aura.

Illuminated Healing shield duration is now 15 seconds, up from 8 seconds. In addition, Illuminated Healing has been increased to provide 1.5 effect per mastery, up from 1.25.

Walk in the Light passive removes the cooldown of Word of Glory.

Divine Guardian cooldown is now 3 minutes, up from 2.

Grand Crusader will now generate a charge of Holy Power if the Avenger Shield it procs is used within 6 seconds.

Sacred Duty can now be activated by Avenger s Shield in addition to Judgements. The effect now lasts 10 seconds, down from 15.

Divine Storm now generates 1 point of Holy Power if it deals damage to 4 or more targets.

Sacred Shield s internal cooldown has been increased to 60 seconds, up from 30.

Avenger s Shield can no longer be blocked.

Casting Guardian of Ancient Kings no longer resets the auto-attack swing timer.

The Holy version of Guardian of Ancient Kings will now more reliably heal targets at max range from the paladin.

The Retribution version of Guardian of Ancient Kings now benefits from the paladin s hit and expertise.

Judgements of the Just debuff can no longer trigger talents and other effects.

Seal of Truth: Fixed a tooltip error that stated swings at targets with Censure fully stacked dealt 9 weapon damage. They actually dealt 15 damage and the tooltip has been updated accordingly.

The Retribution version of Guardian of Ancient Kings is easily distracted and will not always properly assist the paladin.

Divine Aegis duration has been increased to 15 seconds, up from 12.

Dispel Magic can only be used on the casting priest as a baseline effect.

Priests now innately have 100 pushback protection from damage while channeling Divine Hymn and Hymn of Hope.

Holy Fire damage has been increased to be approximately 30 higher than Smite.

Inner Will and Inner Fire now last until canceled.

Mind Sear damage has been doubled.

Power Word: Shield duration has been reduced to 15 seconds, down from 30.

Absolution new passive enables priests to use Dispel Magic on up to 2 harmful effects on friendly targets.

Atonement now works with Holy Fire in addition to Smite.

The direct damage portion of Holy Fire can now trigger Evangelism.

Power Word: Barrier s cooldown has been increased to 3 minutes, up from 2, and its effect has been reduced to 25, down from 30.

It is now possible to remove Weakened Soul effects that were a result of another priest s Power Word: Shield through Strength of Soul.

Chakra now lasts until canceled, up from 1 minute.

Holy Word: Sanctuary healing done has been increased by 35. In addition, it has a new spell effect.

Surge of Light can now also trigger from Binding Heal.

Glyph of Divine Accuracy now also affects Holy Fire in addition to Smite.

The entire pillar of light of the Lightwell can now be interacted with, instead of just the base.

Mind Flay should no longer lose a tick of damage when the last tick is clipped by another Mind Flay cast.

Casting an instant Mind Blast immediately following a Mind Spike should no longer cause Mind Blast to not benefit from the last cast of Mind Spike.

Shadowy Apparitions now benefit from the priest s spell penetration.

Surge of Light is now being applied to Smite at rank 1.

The Shadowfiend summon does not always attack targets effectively.

Recuperate base effect now heals 3 per tick, up from 2.

Stealth base cooldown has been reduced to 6 seconds, down from 10, and the movement penalty from being in Stealth has been removed.

Tricks of the Trade now has a 100-yard range, up from 20.

Improved Recuperate now adds 0.5 /1 to the health restoration effect of Recuperate, down from 1 /2.

Cheat Death now reduces damage taken by 80 while in effect, down from 90. Its internal cooldown has been raised to 90 seconds, up from 60.

Nightstalker now reduces the cooldown of Stealth by 2/4 seconds, and instead of negating the movement penalty from Stealth, it adds a 5/10 movement speed bonus stacking with other effects while Stealthed.

Kick can no longer be blocked.

Certain non-damaging AoE attacks cast by NPCs will no longer break Stealth.

Hostile pets should now be less inclined to follow rogues that are in Stealth.

Fire Nova has been redesigned and decoupled from shaman Fire totems. Instead, it now pulses the Fire Nova effect from each target that is afflicted by the shaman s own Flame Shock debuff. It now damages all enemies except the target hit by Flame Shock. The ability s cooldown has been reduced to 4 seconds, down from 10.

Grounding Totem cooldown has been increased to 25 seconds, up from 15.

Magma Totem now lasts for 60 seconds, up from 21.

Stoneclaw Totem s area-of-effect threat pulse no longer affects critters.

Earthquake is no longer a channeled spell. It now has a 2.5-second cast time, lasts for 10 seconds, and has a 10-second cooldown. Its damage has been reduced by 40 from its channeled version.

Improved Fire Nova has been redesigned and replaced by a talent called Seasoned Winds. When an enemy spell cast is successfully prevented with Wind Shear, the shaman gains magical resistance in an amount equal to what a protection totem/aura would grant, stacking with such buffs to the spell school s of the interrupted spell except for Holy spells, lasting 10 seconds.

Cleansing Waters now has a 6-second internal cooldown.

Deep Healing now benefits all heals, not just direct heals.

Earth Shield healing done by Restoration shaman has been reduced by 20.

Nature s Blessing has been improved to 6/12/18 bonus direct healing on Earth Shielded targets, up from 5/10/15.

Spirit Link Totem new talent reduces damage taken by all party and raid members within 10 yards by 10. This lasts 6 seconds, and every second it is active the health of all affected players is redistributed among them, such that each player ends up with the same percentage of their maximum health. This counts as an Air totem and has a 3-minute cooldown.

Glyph of Grounding Totem: The increased cooldown of Grounding Totem applied by this glyph has been reduced to 35 seconds, down from 45 seconds.

The tooltips for shaman healing spells are now displaying correct values when points are distributed into any rank of the Spark of Life talent.

Earth Shield should now appear at the correct height for most player races.

The effect of Glyph of the Arctic Wolf will now persist correctly upon logging back into the game while in Ghost Wolf.

Mental Quickness now reduces the mana cost of Spiritwalker s Grace.

Stormstrike animation will not play correctly when not dual wielding.

Elemental summons do not phase with players correctly in some encounters.

Dark Intent: The friendly target of this ability now receives 1 stacking 3 times to 3 periodic spell damage and healing bonus instead of 3 stacking 3 times to 9. The casting Warlock still receives 3 stacking 3 times to 9.

Rain of Fire damage has been increased by 25.

Seed of Corruption damage has been increased by 20.

Soulstone can now be used in combat to resurrect a targeted dead player.

Haunt damage has been increased by 30.

Shadow Mastery passive has been increased to 30, up from 25.

Unstable Affliction damage done when it is dispelled has been doubled, but this damage can no longer be critical.

Mana Feed now restores more mana four times as much when the warlock is using a Felguard or Felhunter.

Doomguard s damage has been increased by 50. The Doomguard is intended to be the best guardian for single-target damage, and the Infernal the best when there are multiple targets.

Lash of Pain Succubus damage now scales with level, reducing the damage done at lower levels such that it will deal 50 damage at level 20, and 100 damage at level 80 and above.

Shadow Bite Felhunter damage and effect has doubled, and is now available at level 30, down from 42.

Whiplash Succubus now knocks targets away from the center of the targeted location, instead of away from the Succubus.

Glyph of Soul Swap now increases the cooldown of Soul Swap by 15 seconds, up from 10 seconds.

Imps summoned by Bane of Doom now benefit from the warlock s stats.

Soul Link will no longer be removed by mounting when in a Rated Battleground.

Damage dealt by Unstable Affliction when it is dispelled now properly benefits from Shadow Mastery.

Charge and Intercept no longer have diminishing returns on their stun effects.

Colossus Smash now ignores 50 of a hostile player s armor PvP, but continues to ignore 100 of a non-player character s armor PvE.

Heroic Throw is now available from trainers at level 20.

Heroic Leap is no longer on the global cooldown, similar to other warrior movement abilities.

Inner Rage is now available at level 56.

Intercept now has a 1.5-second stun, down from 3 seconds.

Pummel is now usable in all stances.

Rallying Cry new ability is available from trainers at level 83. It temporarily grants the warrior and all party or raid members within 30 yards 20 of maximum health for 10 seconds. After the effect expires, the health is lost. It has no cost, no stance requirements, and is not on the global cooldown. It has a 3-minute cooldown, but also shares a cooldown with Last Stand.

Shield Bash has been removed from the game.

Spell Reflection cooldown has been increased to 25 seconds, up from 10.

Whirlwind now has its cooldown reduced by 6 seconds when it deals damage to 4 or more targets. The Whirlwind effect caused by Bladestorm remains unchanged.

Improved Hamstring now reduces the global cooldown on Hamstring by 0.25/0.5 seconds in addition to its current effects.

Juggernaut no longer adds 2 seconds to the Charge stun, but instead lowers the cooldown of Charge by 2 seconds to 13 seconds total without the glyph.

Lambs to the Slaughter now causes Mortal Strike to refresh Rend in addition to its current effects.

Strikes of Opportunity value per point of mastery has been increased by 10.

Precision passive now increase auto-attack damage by 40, in addition to the 3 hit it offers currently.

Unshackled Fury now only grants 2 base points of mastery, down from 8.

Shield Mastery no longer affects the cooldown of Spell Reflection. Instead, it now causes Shield Block to also reduce magic damage taken by 7/14/20 for 6 seconds.

Gag Order now applies to Pummel and Heroic Throw, giving these abilities a 100 chance to silence the target for 3 seconds. In addition, Gag Order lowers the cooldown of Heroic Throw by 30 seconds.

Glyph of Spell Reflection reduces the cooldown of Spell Reflection by 5 seconds, up from 1 second.

Glyph of Sunder Armor now states that it also affects Devastate.

Slam s off-hand damage component should now benefit from the damage bonus of Bloodsurge.

Zul Aman is now a level-85 5-player Heroic dungeon. Players with a minimum average item level of 346 or higher can access this dungeon via the Dungeon Finder.

Zul Gurub is now a level-85 5-player Heroic dungeon. Players with a minimum average item level of 346 or higher can access this dungeon via the Dungeon Finder.

Both Zul Gurub and Zul Aman exist in a separate tier in the Dungeon Finder above the current level-85 Heroic dungeons. Players can randomly queue for either dungeon by selecting the Rise of the Zandalari setting.

The Dungeon Finder now attempts to avoid putting damage-dealing classes with the same armor type in a group.

The Dungeon Finder will attempt to place players from the same realm in a party together.

Players will now get bonus rewards 7 times per week while earning less than 980 Valor Points instead of once a day when using Dungeon Finder.

When there is only 1 player left in a Dungeon Finder group, they will now be able to queue for replacements as long as they queue within 2 minutes or stay in the dungeon.

The Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms will now identify which class role is currently the least represented in the queue, and offer them additional rewards for entering the Dungeon Finder queue and completing a random level-85 Heroic dungeon.

The least represented role icon will show within the Dungeon Finder to indicate the role that is eligible to earn the bonus reward.

Players must queue solo with the currently indicated least represented role by the system and complete the dungeon up to and including the final boss in order to be eligible for the bonus reward.

The bonus reward will be displayed to eligible system identified as least represented roles within the UI.

Once the dungeon is completed the eligible player will receive a Satchel of Exotic Mysteries account bound with various potential rewards including: gold, rare gems, non-combat pets, and very rare mounts.

Aura of Arcane Haste now has a clearer visual on the bearer of the aura.

Bound Flames in the Karsh Steelbender encounter no longer create Lava Pools when they are killed.

The Short Throw ability used by Twilight Sadists has had its range reduced to 10 yards.

Searing Flames now causes a 6-second cooldown on Modulation.

Searing Flames no longer increases Sound on players.

Players should no longer be able to avoid the first period damage tick of Searing Flame, and Searing Flame now ticks every 2 seconds. The damage of Searing Flame has been increased to compensate for it ticking less frequently.

The Bile-O-Tron 800 in the Chimaeron encounter is now more resistant to being knocked offline many times in rapid succession.

Flash Bomb Golem Sentry ability now has a more clear warning visual.

Magmaw now triggers a raid emote when summoning Lava Parasites.

Maloriak now has a brief windup before beginning to channel Arcane Storm, slightly increasing the amount of time players have before the spell begins to deal damage.

Further improvements have been made in the Maloriak encounter to avoid Flash Freeze targeting the tanks.

The damage of Shadowflame Barrage has been reduced by 15 10-player normal and Heroic difficulty only.

The damage of Tail Lash has been reduced by 20 10-player normal and Heroic difficulty only.

Blackout can now be dispelled on Heroic difficulty.

The health of Blood of the Old God on 10-player Heroic difficulty has been lowered by roughly 20.

The health of Darkened Creations on 10-player Heroic difficulty has been lowered by roughly 20.

The corruption gained from Corruption: Accelerated on 10-player Heroic difficulty has been lowered slightly.

Knockbacks and Deathgrip can now be used to interrupt players that are converted by Cho gall.

Twilight Slicer is now less likely to target two healers at once.

Wrack will avoid jumping to tanks.

Ragezone cast by Defias Blood Wizards now only increases damage dealt, no longer increasing damage taken.

The Gordok Courtyard Key in Fengus s Chest is now replenished after several seconds.

Bleeding Wound damage from General Umbriss has been lowered by 20.

Malignant Trogg now moves more slowly.

The Encumbered damage bonus from Forgemaster Throngus has been reduced by 50.

Invoked Flaming Spirits should prefer non-tank targets to fixate on.

The Twilight Flame Patch from the Twilight Drake has been removed.

The cooldown portion of the Twisted Arcane buff cast by Azureborne Seers has been removed.

Temple Gardian Anhuur should now properly go into his shield phase at 33 even if he was channeling his 66 shield phase.

Soul Fragments that spawn during the High Prophet Barim encounter should now perform an emote when they merge with the Harbinger of Darkness.

The Cache of the Legion now unlocks when Gatewatcher Gyro-kill is gyro-killed.

The patrol path of the Stonecore Bruiser before Ozruk has been reduced.

Ground Slam now has a pre-cast visual on the ground in front of Ozruk. In addition, Ground Slam s damage and radius have been reduced.

High Priestess Azil s Seismic Shard now has a more obvious warning visual.

Postboxes no longer require keys to open, because really, who locks their postboxes anymore when they re all undead. It s just people sending coupons for brains anyway.

The Postmaster now spawns when 3 of any postbox are opened.

Gilgoblin Hunters Poisoned Spear direct and periodic damage has been reduced.

Gilgoblin Aquamages Tsunami damage has been reduced.

Visual effects during the Lady Naz jar have been improved for clarity.

Blight Beasts summoned during the Ozumat encounter now deal less damage with Aura of Dread.

The Staff of Prehistoria is no longer required to open the door in the Map Room.

Baelog s chest has been given new loot. If it s grey it s good, right.

The Air Nova ability triggered when a Gust Soldier is killed has had its knockback effect reduced.

Altairus now spawns closer to the center of his platform, away from the edge.

Temple Adepts and Ministers of Air now wait 2 seconds before starting a spell cast when they are first engaged.

The maze section has been removed to make the overall dungeon more accessible and quicker to complete. Nearby creatures and bosses have been adjusted to compensate.

Troll Cages no longer require the Executioner s Key to open.

The gold amounts awarded for the following encounters have been substantially reduced: Flame Leviathan, Magtheridon, Gruul the Dragonkiller, Doom Lord Kazzak, and all encounters in Karazhan.

The tooltip for the Luck of the Draw buff now dynamically updates based on how many stacks are present.

The tooltip for Stolen Power during the Nefarian s End encounter now displays the correct bonus percentage.

Drake vehicles now properly animate when attacking in the air.

The criteria on many of the profession-related guild achievements has been significantly reduced.

These challenges can be found in the Info pane of the guild UI.

Guild Challenges fall into three categories: Dungeons, Raids, and Rated Battlegrounds.

Each challenge can be completed a set number of times per week. Guild groups participating in level-appropriate Heroic or normal difficulty dungeons and raids, or Rated Battlegrounds, will automatically qualify for challenge credit.

Each time a Guild Challenge is completed, the guild will be awarded experience and gold deposited directly into the Guild Vault, as well as the opportunity to earn all-new achievements. A popup or toast will be displayed to confirm a Guild Challenge has been completed similar to achievement alerts.

Guild experience earned via Guild Challenges will be awarded above the daily cap. The experience cap will move forward relative to the amount of experience obtained through completing Guild Challenges similar to rested experience for characters.

Guilds already at the level cap will be awarded substantially more gold in place of guild experience.

Gold rewards are deposited into the guild bank once the guild reaches level 5. The text for the Cash Flow guild perk has been updated appropriately.

A new Guild Finder button will now appear on the Micro Menu for guild leaders, as well as players without a guild.

A Guild Interests field allows players to form a guild around common interests: Questing, Dungeons, Raids, PvP, and Role Playing.

An Availability field allows players to note whether or not weekdays or weekends are better for playing.

The Class Roles field allows players to indicate the role or roles they are capable of, and willing to fill.

A Comment box is also available for supplying additional information.

Once a player has filled out the Guild Interests field, the Browse Guilds tab allows them to find guilds actively recruiting via the Guild Finder. Guilds listed here are displayed according to common interests.

The Requests tab tracks all recruitment requests submitted by an unguilded player, or submitted to the leader of a selected guild.

The Guild Perk, Cash Flow, no longer prints out text to the Chat Log. Instead, the daily amount deposited is shown in the Guild Vault Money Log. In addition, players can view the weekly contribution in a new window at the bottom of the Money Log.

Two new custom guild tabards have been added as Guild Rewards. The tabards are account bound and offer a bonus to gaining guild reputation.

The Reins of the Dark Phoenix, purchased from the Guild Vendor, has had its art improved. It s now less transparent and indisputably more awesome. This change did not make it in patch 4.1 and is scheduled for 4.2.

The amount of guild experience rewarded for Rated Battleground guild group wins has been dramatically increased.

Players are now rewarded guild experience for Honorable Kills in the field.

Players are now rewarded guild experience for Battleground wins in Battleground brackets up to level 80.

Arena teams are now awarded guild experience for wins. The entire team must be members of the same guild to earn this experience.

Many Account Bound heirlooms are now labeled as Account Bound, meaning that they can also be traded or mailed to characters that are on different World of Warcraft accounts under the same account.

Mail sent to characters on the same account now arrives instantaneously, as it does for the same World of Warcraft account.

Mailing account-bound items to characters of the opposite faction on the same account will now correctly translate faction-specific items to their appropriate equivalent.

Please note that in order to mail a Account Bound item, the recipient must still be on the same realm as the sending character.

All trade goods available for purchase with Honor or Justice Points from the associated commodities vendors have had their prices reduced by 50.

Maelstrom Crystals are now available for purchase with Honor or Justice Points from the associated commodities vendors.

The PvP Horde and Alliance trinkets have a new spell effect.

The current damage-dealing death knight 4-piece raid set bonus now also grants increased attack power when Killing Machine triggers, as well as when the death knight gains Death Runes.

The current Holy paladin 4-piece raid set bonus now grants 540 Spirit for 6 seconds after casting Holy Shock.

The current healing priest 4-piece raid set bonus no longer requires a target to be under the effects of Weakened Soul for the priest to receive the Spirit bonus. Instead the benefit will be granted each time the priest s Penance spell heals a target.

The caster shaman 4-piece PvP set bonus now reduces the cooldown of Grounding Totem by 3 seconds, up from 1.5.

Players are now properly seated on stone drake and wind drake models.

Stone drakes no longer clip into the ground when attacked.

Many pieces of crafted epic armor have had sockets added.

Furious Gladiator s Greatsword and other swords with the same model no longer disappear when wielded.

Random enchantment items of the bear, of the whale, etc. no longer use obsolete item modifiers such as attack power or spell power.

All major cities will now have every type of profession trainer and their associated trade supply vendors.

New Cooking and Fishing Dailies have been added to Darnassus, Ironforge, Thunder Bluff, and Undercity.

Flask of Steelskin now grants 450 Stamina, up from 300. The Mixology bonus for alchemists remains at 120 Stamina.

Six new rare items have been added.

Players now have a much smaller chance of getting a dig site for a race for which they have completed all rare finds.

The rate at which Honor Points are earned has been doubled.

The amount of Conquest Points awarded for Arena wins has been normalized across the board. Players will now receive 180 Conquest Points for a win up to the weekly cap, regardless of rating or matchup.

Arena matchmaking can now extend beyond a team s Battlegroup.

The amount of Conquest Points awarded for Rated Battleground wins has been normalized across the board. Players will now receive 400 Conquest Points for a win up to the weekly cap, regardless of rating or matchup.

Battleground raid leaders can now move players from other realms among raid subgroups.

The Focused Assault and Brutal Assault buffs have changed.

After 3 minutes of both teams having the flag, both flag carriers will get Focused Assault, which increases damage taken by 10.

Every minute afterward, an additional stack will be applied to increase damage taken by an additional 10.

After 7 minutes, Brutal Assault will be applied in place of Focused Assault. In additional to the damage debuff, this debuff also caps the player s movement speed at 100. The damage taken debuff works the same and will add 10 to the debuff up to a maximum of 100 damage taken.

Arathi Basin is now available as a 10v10-player Rated Battleground.

Flags should now cap in 7 seconds, down from 8.

Players who die at a control point that they own will now be teleported to the next closest graveyard, instead of the one at which they died.

If a player s team owns the Mine and Waterworks, and dies at Waterworks, they will be teleported to the Mine.

If an Alliance player s team only owns Lighthouse, and dies at Lighthouse, they will respawn at their base.

If a Horde player s team owns Waterworks and Mine, and dies at Lighthouse, they will respawn at Waterworks.

Players will now only spawn at their base graveyard when they die in the enemy base.

Defending players will respawn at the middle graveyard.

Midfield players will respawn at the middle graveyard.

Attacking players will respawn at their base graveyard.

The graveyards outside both bases have been lowered in elevation and are no longer on the same plane as the main flag room entrances to either respective base.

An updated quest chain has been added for the Alliance in Winterspring. Players seeking out the Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber should speak with Rivern Frostwind at Frostaber Rock.

A handful of quests have been added to Northern Barrens to provide more level 18-20 content. Look for new quests at Nozzlepot s Outpost and Darsok s Outpost.

Loot from the creatures Garr, Julak-Doom, Mobus, Akma Hat, Xariona, and Poseidus has been adjusted to be commensurate to their rarity and invested effort.

Agatha is now always present to provide quests for newly created undead characters.

Players properly sit on Bastia s back during the quest To the Cliffs on the Lost Isles.

There should no longer be phasing issues during the quest Detonation in Redridge Mountains.

Blackriver Skirmish in Grizzly Hills now awards Honor Points.

The vehicle for the quest Tailgunner. in Uldum now aims in the correct direction.

The gnomish racial ability, Escape Artist, is no longer affected by the global cooldowns triggered by other abilities.

The human racial ability, Every Man for Himself, has a new spell effect.

Worgen females have learned how to laugh out loud.

Like the Focus Frame, the character Unit and Target Frames can now be unlocked and moved to one s content.

Spells bound to a key now start to be cast when the button is pressed down by default, instead of waiting for the key to go up. This is an option that can be turned off in the Interface menu under Combat. Mouse clicking has not changed and operates on mouse click up.

Targets and focus targets now display on the mini-map.

Moved Video and Sound to a new Options screen.

Added a network category to the new Options screen and included the two network checkboxes.

The Network category contains the options Optimize network for speed and Enable IPv6 when available. Optimize network for speed will be enabled by default, and will send packets more frequently at the cost of higher bandwidth. The higher bandwidth may lead to disconnects for some players who have limited bandwidth. Players getting disconnected frequently should try unchecking this box.

Removed the red bar preventing the overall graphics slider from going to ultra based on computer specs.

When a player moves the overall slider to a setting that would have previously been prevented, any option that can t go as high as that setting will get the warning icon with a tooltip explaining why it can t go higher. For example: a player sets the overall slider to Ultra and the water setting can only go to Fair. The water setting would automatically switch to Fair.

Support for DirectX 11 can now be found in the Advanced tab of the Options screen.

Moved the Reset User Options button from the popup window that appears when clicking Options to the actual Options window.

Clicking Options now goes directly to the Video tab of the Options screen.

Removed the now-unneeded popup.

The New Features . Option screen has been updated:

Cast action keybinds on key down Combat

Pick Up Action Key ActionBars

Patch. Summary of World of Warcraft game patches. Additional info: Coming soon - general info on Known issues - known bugs and issues information. Hotfixes - information on hotfixes. Patch FAQ. Patch 4.1 Rise of the Zandalari Edit  Patches/3.x -  Patches/1.x -  Patches/2.x -  Patches/0.xCataclysm - Patch 4.1 Rise of the Zandalari - WoWWiki - - Patch 4.1 Rise of the Zandalari. 103,806pages on Version: World of Warcraft Client Patch 4.1.0 Known Issues, Customer Support.

Patch 4.1 Changes and Known issues

How do I get the graphics to download Problems with WOW new patch Your to Download: World of Warcraft patch 4.1.0 to 4.2 If you encounter any problem.

  • May 20, 2011 - There are a few changes you might notice as we move into the new 4.1 patch. Option settings. The former Video, Sound, and Voice Chat Patch 4.1 Lag Issues - Forums - World of Warcraft - Battle.net17 Jun 2011Patch 4.1 - No bandwidth. - Forums - World of Warcraft - Battle.net27 Apr 2011Welcome to Patch 4.1. - Forums - World of Warcraft - Battle.net26 Apr 2011Video / texture issues since patch 4.1 - Forums - World of Warcraft26 Apr 2011More results from us.battle.netPatch 4.1 Hotfixes - Updated 6/1 - World of 5Bupdated-61
  • Jun 1, 2011 - Here you ll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch 4.1: Rise of the.
  • May 2, 2011 - World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch 4.1 is now live. For your. Druids should no longer have UI issues after leaving a vehicle. The troll druid.