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Home Products Why Stata. Stata for Mac

Stata for Mac comes in four flavors:

For details, see Which Stata is right for me.

Does Stata support Macs with a Retina display.

Stata s output and graphs render at the native resolution of the

Retina display so that all text and graphs will appear at the highest

Is there a 64-bit version of Stata that allows more memory to be allocated.

Stata for Mac is 64 bit and requires 64-bit Intel processors Core 2 Duo or better running OS X 10.7 Lion or newer. Stata for Mac is not available for 32-bit Intel-based Core Duo Macs nor PowerPC-based Macs.

Is Stata compatible with OS X 10.11 El Capitan.

Yes. Please make sure you are running the latest update of Stata 14.

Is Stata compatible with OS X 10.10 Yosemite.

What is the minimum operating system requirement for Stata.

Stata for Mac requires OS X 10.7 or newer.

Will Stata run on my PowerPC-based Mac.

Can I trade datasets with my friends who use Stata for Windows.

Yes. A Stata dataset created on a Mac can be used, without translation, on any computer running Stata and vice versa. The same goes for graphs, programs, and any other file Stata uses or produces.

Can my copy of Stata run on both my Mac desktop and Windows laptop.

Yes. Stata licenses are not platform specific so you can use your license

to install Stata on any of the supported platforms.

Does a guarantee come with Stata.

A 30-day, satisfaction or your money back, guarantee comes with your purchase.

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  • STATA 12 MAC FREE DOWNLOAD. 1 Reply. Stata is a powerful software meant to help students, faculty, Crack 45 Drivers 714 Fonts 146.
  • Stata 12: File Name: Stata12.dmg; Required if you are running OSX 10.9 or OSX 10.10. For more information, see: Statistical Resources; KeyAccess for Mac; Topic.
  • Stata for Mac includes software and PDF documentation, which includes access to all the manuals. Stata for Mac comes in four flavors: Stata/MP 64-bit Intel-based.